Research Article

Land Use Change from Biofuels Derived from Forest Residue: A Case of Washington State

Table 1

Observed land use changes.

Land use in 2010

Land use 2007
 Agriculture492,032 9,703 10,265 11,890 523,890
 Development9,793 1,186,729 20,788 16,953 1,234,263
 Forest16,714 6,387 5,415,103 34,537 5,472,740
 Undeveloped41,018 9,861 20,622 516,097 587,599
Total559,557 1,212,681 5,466,778 579,476 7,818,492

Matrix represents acres of land in 2010 in each use based on land use in 2007. The diagonal terms are acreage totals for land that stayed in the same use, and the off-diagonal terms are the acreage values for parcels that switched use.