Research Article

Public Investments, Human Capital, and Political Stability: The Triptych of Economic Success

Table 2

Descriptive statistics.


Growth (×100)1.67006−3.3345 (Dem. Congo)9.1038 (China)
Initial ($)7509.351346.626 (Mozambique)35758.3 (Iceland)
Invest (% of GDP)21.7151510.0264 (Cote l’Ivoire)46.0913 (Lesotho)
Govcons (% of GDP)15.448644.895766 (Bangladesh)34.48183 (Lesotho)
Pubinv (% of GDP)6.9874891.27113 (Brazil)28.7414 (China)
Prinv (% of GDP)14.62372.65519 (Burundi)33.0561 (Lesotho)
Pubeduc (% of GDP)4.3911820.9794873 (Guyana)12.30818 (Lesotho)
Pubhealth (% of GDP)3.4448230.1601331 (Zimbabwe)8.457549 (France)
Pubmilit (% of GDP)2.3196790.0642023 (Iceland)6.15932 (Jordan)
Openness (% of GDP)70.6565422.4138 (Sudan)183.922 (Malaysia)
Deficit (% of GDP)−1.82237−11.2169 (Lebanon)12.544 (Niger)
Debt (% of GDP)69.441129.34823 (Botswana)171.7885 (Mauritania)
Sch (years)6.2620290.947148 (Mozambique)12.9285 (USA)
Initsch (years)5.2268220.2768 (Yemen)12.3402 (USA)
Pupteapr (ratio)32.4941610.3058 (Denmark)85.0493 (Central Africa)
Fertile (rate)3.651591.28619 (Spain)7.48881 (Niger)
Lifeexp (years)64.1968341.0609 (Sierra Leone)80.9694 (Japan)
mortal5 (rate)70.893594.1381 (Iceland)236.857 (Sierra Leone)
Pop (growth)1.659322−0.780933 (Bulgaria)3.54479 (Yemen)
Emplindu (% of total empl.)19.15242.1 (Chad)35.9842 (Mauritius)
Unempl (% of total labor)9.4991080.5 (Burundi)51.5 (Djibouti)
Telec (lines per 100 people)15.228590.04736 (Dem. Congo)65.1118 (Sweden)
Railway (total km)12797.03290.667 (Jordan)186092 (USA)
Stabil (index) −0.255222−2.317793 (Dem. Congo)1.509539 (Finland)
Effect (index)−0.063308−1.712302 (Dem. Congo)2.164273 (Denmark)
Rule (index)−0.146094−1.733297 (Dem. Congo)1.940029 (Finland)
Corrupt (index)−0.089167−1.481801 (Dem. Congo)2.442755 (Denmark)
Gini (index)41.6364824.7 (Denmark)64.3 (Comoros)