Research Article

A Method for Fast Assessment of OP/CB Exposure in the Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Using Combined Esterases Enzyme Activity as Biomarkers

Table 1

Rate constant inhibition  min−1 characterization by using different esterase enzyme substrates (AcTChI, BuTChI, PrTChI, and PSA) for blood plasma sample of quail inhibited by CB and OP.



Values in the table are the mean ± SE of three individual quails. The measured data resulted in a calculation over different times (1–60 min) resulting in an inhibition of 83–99% of control activity by inhibition with 4 mM methomyl and 2 mM parathion, malathion, and trichlorfon. Then results were fitted with a single exponential decay using SigmaPlot 11. Significant difference (analysis of variance (ANOVA), ) between malathion with other pesticide compounds (methomyl, parathion and trichlorfon).