Review Article

Spatial Organization and Dynamics of Transcription Elongation and Pre-mRNA Processing in Live Cells

Figure 2

Three potential, nonexclusive models for the role of the interchromatin granule clusters (IGCs) in the regulation of transcription and pre-mRNA processing machinery. IGCs are depicted surrounded by transcriptionally competent sites or “factories” (grey beads). (a) IGCs may be specialized sites for the recycling and assembly of transcription (dark and light red beads) and pre-mRNA processing complexes (dark and light green beads) through regulated posttranslational modification cycles. Dark and light hue code denotes active and inactive pools of factors, respectively. (b) Posttranscriptional processing steps and potential surveillance of mRNA quality may be integrated in these structures, constituting a “checkpoint link” between mRNA transcription and mRNP assembly and export. A given transcript may include both introns that are spliced cotranscriptionally outside of the IGCs (orange lariat) and intron sequences that are processed posttranscriptionally (dark brown stretch and lariat). The later event may be also coupled in the IGCs to surveillance mechanisms, mRNP assembly (blue beads), and export. (c) Specific subsets of nuclear factors, such as ncRNAs (MALAT1, 7SK; see main text; depicted in the lower panel as thin blue threads), can function as active quenchers or sequesters of transcription and pre-mRNA processing factors (red and green beads, resp.), blocking the recruitment of these complexes from the IGCs to nearby active sites of transcription.