Research Article

Assessing Noncoding Sequence Variants of GJB2 for Hearing Loss Association

Table 2

Differences in the allelic frequencies, regarding c.-684_-675del and 14 SNPs, between patient and control samples (chi-square test). ND: not determined: chi-square test could not be performed for SNPs with an expected value <5, or for SNPs which both alleles were observed in only one sample. Four SNPs present statistically significant differences in allelic frequencies between patients and controls (P values , in bold).

Variant/SNPAllelesPatients ( alleles)ControlsP value
ObservedExpected( alleles)


rs9550621c.-484 C162165.291690.338941
c.-484 T1612.7113

rs73431557c.-410 C4126.41270.002089
c.-410 T137151.59155

rs9552101 c.-369 A2019.56200.916103
c.-369 G158158.44162

c.*1C>Tc.*1 C177178182ND
c.*1 T100

rs3751385c.*84 C129139.861430.04734
c.*84 T4938.1439

rs7337074c.*104 A174177.02181ND
c.*104 T40.981

rs7329857c.*111 C174177.02181ND
c.*111 T40.981

rs55704559c.*168 A154170.181743.33E-09
c.*168 G247.828

rs5030700c.*931 C155169.201739.18E-07
c.*931 T238.809

rs1050960c.*1067 G1919.56200.893155
c.*1067 T159158.44162

rs7623c.*1152 A165165.291690.93373
c.*1152 G1312.7113

rs11841182c.*1197 A200ND
c.*1197 T176178182

rs7988691c.*1277 C178176.04180ND
c.*1277 T01.962

rs11839674c.*1447 A200ND
c.*1447 G176178182