Research Article

Frequency Distribution of Mannose Binding Lectin-2 and Vitamin D Receptor Gene Variants: Putative Markers for Tuberculosis

Table 2

The restriction digestion reaction conditions and genotype assignment after the digestion.

SNPIncubation TemperatureHomozygous wild typeHeterozygoteHomozygous mutant% agarose gel

FokI37°C265 bp265 bp, 195 bp, 70 bp195 bp, 70 bp2%
BsmI37°C160 bp, 235 bp388 bp, 160 bp, 235 bp388 bp2%
TaqI65°C485 bp485 bp, 297 bp, 188 bp297 bp, 188 bp2%
ApaI37°C1174 bp, 217 bp1391 bp, 1174 bp, 217 bp1391 bp1.5%