Research Article

Genome-Wide Gene Expression in relation to Age in Large Laboratory Cohorts of Drosophila melanogaster

Table 1

Differential expression results for cDNA microarray compared to qRT-PCR. Gene expression data from qRT-PCR was normalized using Rp49. The fold change is reported as relative to control day 2. Negative numbers represent a downregulation of gene expression at that time point, whereas positive numbers represent an upregulation of gene expression at that time point. Nplp3 = Neuropeptide-like precursor 3 and Mtk = Metchnikowin.

Day 16Day 79

Retinin −3.01−4.59−6.45−18.23
Nplp3 −2.25−5.07−4.67−15.48
Mtk 4.804.5112.1920.32
CG11671 3.585.467.2518.86