Research Article

Multi-Chatbot or Single-Chatbot? The Effects of M-Commerce Chatbot Interface on Source Credibility, Social Presence, Trust, and Purchase Intention

Table 1

Means and standard deviations of participants between the multi-chatbot interface and the single-chatbot interface.

Multi-chatbot interfaceSingle-chatbot interface
Male (n = 38)
M (SD)
Female (n = 45)
M (SD)
Total (n = 83)
M (SD)
Male (n = 33)
M (SD)
Female (n = 38)
M (SD)
Total (n = 71)
M (SD)

Perceived chatbot com- petence3.93 (.65)4.25 (.55)4.11 (.62)4.29 (.55)4.09 (.56)4.19 (.56)
Platform trust ability3.81 (.69)4.11 (.57)3.97 (.64)4.41 (.53)4.32 (.54)4.36 (.54)
Platform trust benevolence3.65 (.71)3.98 (.79)3.82 (.77)4.03 (.69)4.11 (.72)4.07 (.70)
Platform trust integrity3.77 (.69)4.05 (.67)3.92 (.69)4.23 (.57)4.09 (.66)4.16 (.62)
Intention to purchase through platform3.77 (.68)4.11 (.72)3.95 (.71)4.15 (.78)3.88 (.89)4.01 (.85)
Perceived social presence3.61 (.71)3.91 (.84)3.77 (.79)4.06 (.62)3.99 (.55)4.02 (.58)