Research Article

Resistance of Traditional SMEs in Using Digital Payments: Development of Innovation Resistance Theory

Table 1

Research questions.


IntroductionResearchers asked SMEs about the type of business and personal data such as name, age, and place of residence.

ExperienceHow long have you been trading in the traditional clothing market?
Do you open a business online?
What platform do I use to open a business online?

Usage barrierDo you use digital payments?
What type of digital payment do you use?
How long have you been using digital payments?
Do you use more than one type of digital payment?
What are the features of digital payments?

Tradition barrierAre you more comfortable transacting directly or online?
Why are you more interested in transacting directly or online?
Do you have other digital payment applications?

Value barrierWhat do you like about using digital payments?
Does digital payment provide incentives, cashback, or discounts to users? If so, what kind of program is it?

Risk barrierIn your opinion, are transactions through digital payments safe?
Why do you think that there is potential for data security or insecurity?
When you have problems with your smartphone, does it affect digital payments?
What affects digital payments when a problem occurs on a smartphone?

Image barrierWhat are the considerations for you7 in choosing a digital payment service?
Is company image important?
Does every transaction need approval?