Research Article

Resistance of Traditional SMEs in Using Digital Payments: Development of Innovation Resistance Theory

Table 3

Item of concern.

Barrier in IRTIdentified themesItem of concern

Tradition barrierOld habit in viewing digital payment(i) Many respondents are more comfortable transacting directly
Switching cost(ii) Payment using digital media requires additional effort

Value barrierRelative advantage(i) The use of digital payments can be used anytime and anywhere
(ii) It has many more features and advantages
Incentive(i) Cashback offers or specific promos can increase the value of digital payment service providers

Risk barrierPerceived security(i) There is a possibility of losing financial data
(ii) There is a misuse of personal data, for example, users are continuously sent promos
Reliance on a digital payment(i) The occurrence of technical problems
(ii) Bad connection
(iii) The risk of the smartphone being lost, damaged, or borrowed

Usage barrierSME adoption(i) Most digital payment adoptions are pretty broad in scope
(ii) There are still merchants who use digital payments only for specific needs
(iii) The majority are used in daily business life
Digital payment knowledge(i) Almost all respondents are familiar with digital payment
(ii) There is a difference in knowledge, especially for traders who are over 50 years old
(iii) The majority have understood the functions and facilities of digital payments
Fragmentation(iv) Most merchants have three different types of digital payments
(v) Some traders do not want to use more than one because they do not want to find it difficult

Image barrierImage of provider(i) The more well-known a data provider, the more merchants use the product
(ii) Some of their respondents do not pay much attention to the image provider. They only use it because of the recommendation of a friend or relative
The other party’s need for approval(i) Almost all respondents do not need other parties for the approval process. Because in digital banking there is proof of payment