Review Article

Searching, Navigating, and Recommending Movies through Emotions: A Scoping Review

Table 3

List of documents selected for the final analysis of the scoping review.

Author (Year)Type of paperInfo sourceModelTerms used

Aurangzeb et al. [85]PcTranCtAnger, disgust, happy, neutral, sad, surprise.
Babas et al. [86]PcTranNdNot described.
Bader et al. [87]PcTranCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Benini et al. [82]EsUserCsBoredom, distress, excitement, happiness, relaxation, sadness, sleepiness, tension.
Canini et al. [88]EsUserCsBoredom, distress, excitement, happiness, relaxation, sadness, sleepiness, tension.
Cao & Kang [89]PcUserDmNot described.
Chakraverty & Saraswat [90]CsTranCtAnger, fear, joy, love, sadness, surprise.
Chambel et al. [91]EsUserCtAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.
Chambel et al. [92]EsUserCtAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.
Chan & Jones [93]PcMovCt/DmAnger, gloat, hate, joy, love, pity, resentment.
Chan & Jones [94]PcMovDmNot described.
Chang et al. [95]PcTranDmNot described.
Chu et al. [8]EsUserDmNot described.
Cohen-Kalaf et al. [96]EsTranCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
De Pessemier et al. [97]PcTranCtAngry, scared, contempt, disgusted, happy, sad, surprised.
Dilip et al. [98]PcTranCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Dushantha et al. [99]EsUserCtHappy, neutral, sad, satisfying.
Fernandez-Tobias et al. [100]EsTranDmNot described.
Gaag et al. [101]PcMovCt/DmAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Gedikli & Jannach [102]PcTranNdNot described.
Giannakopoulos et al. [103]CsMovNdAngry, ambiguous, happy, neutral, sad.
Gil et al. [77]EsUserCtAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.
Gu & Su [104]PcTranNdNot described.
Ha et al. [105]EsTranNdAwesome, bored, calm, chilly, creepy, cruel, disgusted, drowsy, ecstatic, energetic, enjoyable, excited, fantastic, fearsome, funny, furious, gratified, great, happy, heartbroken, horrified, impressed, lonely, mournful, ominous, outraged, pitiful, pleasant, sad, scared, surprised, sweet, terrified, touched, unfortunate, wonderful.
Hameed & Garcia-Zapirain [106]PcTranDmNot described.
Hanjalic & Xu [107]PcMovDmNot described.
Haq et al. [108]EsMovCtAngry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, surprise.
Ibrahim et al. [109]PcTranNdNot described.
Irie et al. [110]EsMovCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Jorge & Chambel [111]PcMovCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Jorge et al. [112]PcMovCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Kaklauskas et al. [113]PcUserCtAngry, disgusted, happy, neutral, sad, scared, surprised.
Kar et al. [114]PcMovHeAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Kim & Lee [115]PcMovCtAnger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness, surprise.
Kolokythas et al. [116]EsTranDmNot described
Koolagudi et al. [117]PcMovCtAnger, fear, happiness, neutral, and sadness.
Li et al. [118]PcMovDmNot described
Li & Murata [119]EsUserNdAnger, calmness, happiness, sadness, surprise.
Mahata et al. [120]PcUserNdAnger, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness, surprise.
Mariappan et al. [121]CsUserCtAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.
Martins et al. [122]EsMovCtAnger, arousing, disgust, fear, festive, happy, lighthearted, passionate, mellow, playful, romantic, sad, surprise, tender, thrilling, weird.
Mokryn et al. [79]EsTranCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Moncrieff et al. [123]PcMovAfNot described.
Moshfeghi [124]TpUserCtInterest.
Nagamanjula & Pethalakshmi [125]CsTranDmNot described.
Niu et al. [126]EsMovDmArousal, contentment, depression, distress, excitement, misery, pleasure, sleepiness.
Nosshi et al. [127]CsTranCtAnger, joy, sadness, surprise.
Odić et al. [128]EsUserCtAngry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, surprise.
Oh [129]EsTranDmNot described.
Oliveira, Benovoy, et al. [75]EsUserCt/DmAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness.
Oliveira, Martins, et al. [76]EsMovCtAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise.
Oliveira et al. [130]EsMovCtAmused, anger, astonished, bored, compassioned, curious, disgust, disturbed, embarrassed, fear, happiness, inspired, involved, irritated, melancholic, sadness, scared, surprise, tender.
Orellana-Rodriguez et al. [131]EsTranCtAnger, anticipation, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise, trust.
Park et al. [132]CsMovCtAmbivalence, anger, anxiety, apathy, astonishment, calmness, desire, dislike, ecstasy, embarrassment, expectation, faintness, fearlessness, glow, gratitude, gravity, happiness, humility, humor, liking, pain, pride, sensitivity, sentiment, shame, soul, sympathy, ungratefulness, unhappiness, warm-heartedness.
Poirson & Cunha [6]EsTranCtAmused, angry, anxious, attentive, sad, scared, surprise, happy.
Salway & Graham [133]EsMovCtNot described.
Saraswat & Chakraverty [134]CsTranCtAnger, fear, joy, love, sadness, surprise.
Saraswat et al. [135]CsTranCtAnger, fear, joy, love, sadness, surprise.
Shi et al. [136]CsTranNdNot described.
Shi et al. [137]CsTranNdNot described.
Sivakumar et al. [138]CsMovCsNot described.
Song et al. [139]EsTranDmAnnoyed, empty, exciting, interesting, morbid, sad, tantalizing, tense, touching, uninteresting.
Tang et al. [140]CsTranCtAnger, anticipation, blame, boring, disappointment, disgust, doubt, fear, fondness, guilt, happy, hate, hope, jealous, joy, miss, panic, peace, praise, respect, sadness, shy, surprise, trust.
Tarvainen et al. [141]EsTranDmNot described.
Thulasi & Usha [142]CsTranDmNot described.
Tintarev & Masthoff [143]EsTranMoNot described.
Tkalcic & Ferwerda [144]EsUserPmNot described.
Topal & Ozsoyoglu [78]PcTranHeAcceptance, admiration, amazement, anger, annoyance, anticipation, apprehension, boredom, disgust, distraction, ecstasy, fear, grief, interest, joy, loathing, pensiveness, rage, sadness, serenity, surprise, terror, trust, vigilance.
Torkamaan et al. [145]EsUserDmNot described.
Tsoneva et al. [146]EsMovCt/DmAnger-hostility, desire, disgust, fear, fun, happiness, love, optimism, sadness-loneliness, suffering.
Varisco & Interlandi [147]EsUserCt/DmAngry, disgusted, happy, sad, scared, surprised.
Wakil et al. [148]PcUserCtAnger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness.
Wang et al. [149]CsUserMoNot described.
Wang et al. [150]CsTranDmNot described.
Wei et al. [151]CsMovCtAcceptance, anger, expectancy, fear, joy, rejection, sorrow, surprise.
Winoto & Tang [152]EsTranDmAfraid, angry, calm, confident, dissatisfied with self, excited, happy, interested, lonely, nervous, proud, relaxed, sad, sleepy, surprised, tired.
Xu et al. [153]CsMovCtAnger, fear, joy, sadness.
Xu et al. [154]CsMovCt/DmAnger, fear, happy, neutral, sad.
Xu et al. [155]EsMovCt/DmAnger, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness.
Yuan et al. [156]CsTranNdAnger, ecstasy, happiness, sadness.
Zhang [157]CsUserNdAnger, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, surprise.
Zheng [158]CsTranCt/DmAngry, disgusted, happy, neutral, sad, scared, surprised.
Zheng [159]CsTranCt/DmAngry, disgusted, happy, neutral, sad, scared, surprised.

Note. Cs = case study; Es = empirical study; Pc = proof of concept; Tp = theoretical paper; Ct = categorical; Dm = dimensional; Ct/Dm = categorical/ dimensional; Af = affect; Mo = mood; Cs = connotative space; He = hourglass of emotion; Pm = pleasurable and meaningful entertainment; Nd = not described; Mov = movie; Tran = transactions. Words in bold refer to emotion categories. Words with an refer to expressions used to describe core affect experiential states.