Research Article

Definition of Guideline-Based Metrics to Evaluate AAL Ecosystem’s Usability

Table 4

Jakob Nielsen and Rolf Molich’s principles of parametrization [144152].


1COProviding feedback to the user in each component’s native state (pressed, hover, selected, and dragged, among others).
1AOProviding a progress bar indicator for time consuming tasks; providing a dialogue to give the user a certain awareness when the action previously executed is concluded and its respective state (if the operation was successful or unsuccessful).
2AOIncluding an icon within the component that provides a visual representation of its purpose through a familiar object known by the end-user (e.g., the floppy disk icon for save operations); avoiding the use of system terminology in the text content displayed to the user.
3COEnsuring action reversibility.
4AOEnsuring the components’ structure and look and feel compliance with the attributes defined during the designed phase to enforce consistency across the multiple interface sections. Border stroke (radius, width, and colour), text style (colour, font, and weight), sentence structure, icon existence, and background colour must be defined and cross-checked with the interface, to quantify the current design compliance level.
5CORestricting the user’s input; providing defaults; disabling action control mechanisms, when data required is not provided by the user; presenting warning messages reporting any unconformities regarding the input provided before action closure.
5AOProviding dialogs to assert if it is the user intention to proceed with the action being triggered; including a resolution to the abnormal event triggered within all the error messages displayed; providing mechanisms to allow the user to cancel an action during its execution.
5SeOIncluding a mechanism capable of saving automatically user’s work when an abnormal event that compromises the interface stability is triggered.
6COIncluding hints to identify the data type accepted by the input component displayed, tooltips with the description of the component’s action, and labels/icons that clarify the component’s action purpose; ensuring components’ consistency to use its aesthetic as a visual aid for the user recollect its intended purpose.
7COProviding shortcuts to allow the user to navigate across the interface components and interact with them accordingly.
8COAvoiding the use of flourished effects in the interface, such as highlights, shadows, glossy, and 3D effects; adopting colours with contrasts compliant with accessibility guidelines defined for the interface type created.
9AOStructuring the error messages in such a way that the reason which led to the abnormal event and a mitigation solution to address it is presented within its body to the end-user in a clear and concise way; ensuring the provisioning of readable and objective error messages. As a rule of thumb, the message size should not exceed the 20 words limit.
10SeOProviding a dedicated option within the interface’s menu to access the official documentation that holds the information required for the user to manage the system.

Notes: 1: visibility of system status; 2: match between system and the real world; 3: user control and freedom; 4: consistency and standards; 5: error prevention; 6: recognition rather than recall; 7: flexibility and efficiency of use; 8: aesthetic and minimalist design; 9: help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors; 10: help and documentation.