Research Article

Coimagining the Future of Voice Assistants with Cultural Sensitivity

Table 7

Statistically significant correlations for dialogue subthemes and technology attitudes (MTUA).

CountryDialogue subthemedf US meanJP meanSig.

BothInterpersonal connections0.31990.0020.280.0015.14.9
BothGiving an opinion0.23990.020.230.0065.24.8
BothThinking ahead0.18990.
BothGiving the VA the lead0.18990.
BothImplicit next0.25990.010.230.0065.14.8
JPInterpersonal connections0.28420.
JPThinking ahead0.46420.0020.380.0035.5
JPAbout the user0.32420.

Sig. diff. at the level. Sig. diff. at the level. Based on the larger p value.