Research Article

TP53 Mutations and HBX Status Analysis in Hepatocellular Carcinomas from Iran: Evidence for Lack of Association between HBV Genotype D and TP53 R249S Mutations

Table 1

Characteristics and molecular status of 21 HCC cases from Iran.

CharacteristicsNo. (%)

Mean age (±SD)56.4 (±19.3)
 Women1 (4.8)
 Men20 (95.2)
HBV status
 Positive6 (28.6)
 Negative9 (42.8)
 N/A6 (28.6)
 Present7 (33.3)
 Absent7 (33.3)
 N/A7 (33.3)
TP53 mutation (R249S)
 Absent21 (100.0)
 Present0 (0.0)
HBV Double mutation  ( )
 Absent21 (100.0)
 Present0 (0.0)
HBX status
 Complete8 (38.1)
 3′-Truncated12 (57.1)
 Absent1 (4.8)

N/A: Not available.