Research Article

Viral Hepatitis Endemicity and Trends among an Asymptomatic Adult Population in Ho: A 5-Year Retrospective Study at the Ho Municipal Hospital, Ghana

Table 4

Age variation of the infectious markers among prospective blood donors at the Ho Municipal Hospital.

ParameterDonors (—4180)HBsAg (—290)Anti-HCV (—77)

<20178 (4.26)20 (11.24)2 (1.12)
20–292321 (55.53)157 (6.76)44 (1.90)
30–391108 (26.51)83 (7.49)17 (1.53)
40–49464 (11.10)29 (6.25)12 (2.59)
≥50109 (2.61)1 (0.92)2 (1.83)

Data is presented as figures with corresponding percentages in parenthesis; HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen. Anti-HCV: hepatitis C virus antibody. is significant at 0.05. nd: statistical analysis for difference not done.