Clinical Study

Pancreatic Fistula Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Clinical Predictors and Patient Outcomes

Table 2

Relationship of measured perioperative variables with the development of a PF in 510 patients who had pancreaticoduodenectomy.

VariablePFNo. PFP-value
( ) ( )

Pre-op stent43% (20)41% (191)P = NS
Endoscopic20% (9)29% (134)P = .22
Percutaneous24% (11)12% (57)P = .04
Pre-op transfusion6% (2)5% (18)P = NS
Pre-op TPN16% (5)22% (78)P = NS
Pre-op bowel preparation*43% (20)50% (237)P = .02
Yes30% (14)45% (212)
No13% (6)5% (25)
Blood loss (median)1300 mL1300 mLP = NS
Transfusions (median)1 U1 UP = NS
Operative time (median)7 hours5 hours
Type of resectionP = NS
Pylorus preserving61% (28)50% (231)
Classic39% (18)50% (233)
Type of anastomosis
Duct-to-mucosa74% (34)90% (419)
Invaginated26% (12)9% (40)
Other (3)/unknown (2)0 (0)1% (5)
Drain type
Penrose 17% (8) 50% (233)
Closed suction83% (38)50% (231)
G-tube placement22% (10)14% (64)P = NS

PF: Pancreatic fistula; *Pre-op bowel preparation information was available in only 257 patients. ( ): Total number of patients in each group with defined variable.