Clinical Study

Pancreatic Resections for Advanced M1-Pancreatic Carcinoma: The Value of Synchronous Metastasectomy

Table 2

Localisation of primary tumor, site of metastasis, TNM-staging, type of surgery, and survival of 20 patients with M1-pancreatic adenocarcinoma.

No.Primary tumorSite of metastasisTNMRType of surgerySurvival (mo)Status

1Pancreatic tailLiver segment 5 and 6, peritoneumT3N0M1R2Distal pancreatectomy, tumor debulking5.3Dead
2Pancreatic headLiver (multifocal), peritoneum, mesocolon transversumT3N1M1R2pp-Whipple21.3Dead
3Pancreatic bodyLiver segment 2/3, peritoneum, stomach, mesocolon transversum, diaphragmT3N1M1R0Distal pancreatic resection, gastrectomy, left hemicolectomy, liver segment 2/32.6Dead
4Pancreatic headLiver segment 2/3, peritoneumT3N1M1R2Whipple procedure, gastrectomy, right hemicolectomy15.2Dead
5Pancreatic headLiver segment 3T3N1M1R0pp-Whipple, atyp. liver segment 39.3Dead
6Pancreatic tailPeritoneum, ovary, infiltration of stomach, colon transversum and left kidneyT4N1M1R2Distal pancreatectomy, 2/3 gastric resection, left hemicolectomy, left nephrectomy, left adrenalectomy5.1Dead
7Pancreatic bodyLiver segment 3,5, infiltration of stomach and celiac trunkT3N1M1R0Distal pancreatectomy, subtotal gastric resection, liver resection seg. 3 + 510.6Dead
8Pancreatic headOmentum majusT3N0M1R0Whipple-procedure, partial portal vein resection, omentectomy20.6Dead
9Pancreatic headLiver segment 4bT3N1M1R0pp-Whipple, liver segment 4b37.8Alive
10Pancreatic bodyLiver segment 3, 4b, 5, peritoneum, portal vein and pylorus infiltrationT3N1M1R1Pancreatectomy, 2/3 gastric resection, atypical liver resection, partial portal vein resection10.6Dead
11Pancreatic headLiver segment 2, 3, 4T3N1M1R2pp-Whipple, Biopsy segment 36.8Dead
12Pancreatic bodyLiver bilobarT3N1M1R2Distal pancreatic resection, liver segment 3 and 723.7Alive
13Pancreatic headLiver segment 3T3N1M1R0pp-Whipple, atypical liver segment 311Dead
14PapillaDiffuse lymph node metastasesT3N1M1R0pp-Whipple, lymph node resection18,2Dead
15Pancreatic tailStomach infiltrationT3N0M1R0Distal pancreatic resection, gastric resection25.6Dead
16Pancreatic tailLiver bilobar, Stomach infiltrationT3N0M1R2Distal pancreatic resection, gastric resection14.3Alive
17Pancreatic headLiver segment 4 a + bT3N1M1R0pp-Whipple, atypical liver resection12.5
18Pancreatic tailLiver segment 5 + 8, metastasis stomach, infiltration of left adrenal and splenic arteryT3N1M1R2Distal pancreatic resection, left adrenalectomy, gastric resection10.5Dead
19Pancreatic headInfiltration of stomach and portal veinT3N1M1R0Pancreatectomy, 2/3-gastric resection, portal vein resection14.1Dead
20PapillaLiver segment 3 + 4aT4N1M1R2pp-Whipple, liver segment 3, 4a8Dead

(1) pp-Whipple: pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy.