Clinical Study

Indications and Early Outcomes for Total Pancreatectomy at a High-Volume Pancreas Center

Table 1

Summary of data related to the four groups of patients who underwent total pancreatectomy (TP).

GroupNumber [%]Operative time [min]Blood loss [mL]RBC unitsStay [days]Mortality [%]

(1) Tumors23 (36.5%)450 (360–750)800 (300–2500)0 (0–18)20 (12–89)3/23 (13%)
(2) Technical reasons18 (28.6%)445 (320–535)600 (300–2200)0 (0–4)21 (10–108)0/18 (0%)
(3) Troubles15 (23.8%)210 (120–525)1500 (500–3000)15 (0–34)48 (22–90)7/15 (47%)
(4) Therapy-refractory pancreatitis7 (11.1%)430 (350–480)600 (300–2000)0 (0–2)15 (7–30)0/7 (0%)

Median (min–max range) for all 63 patients:420 (120–750)800 (300–3000)0 (0–34)21 (7–108)10/63 (15.9%)
Median (min–max range) for elective TP (48 patients):440 (320–750)800 (300–2500)0 (0–18)24 (11–109)3/48 (6,25%)

For all parameters data are presented as median values with minimum-maximum range.