Clinical Study

Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia of the Liver: A Clinicopathological Study of 7 Cases

Table 3

Pathological characteristics of hepatic RLH of all cases including the reported.

Histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular findingsCases

Germinal center CD20/L26 (+)26
Germinal center LCA (+)6
Interfollicular area and surrounding germinal centers CD45RO/UCHL1 (+)15
Area surrounding germinal centers CD3 (+)11
Ductal structures at the periphery of the nodule CK7 (+)5
Polyclonal in κ and λ light chain staining26
Massive infiltration of heterogeneous mature lymphoid cells with no nuclear atypia, forming follicles and germinal centers41

LIPTANL: lymphocytic infiltration in the portal tracts around the nodular lesion; NA: not available; L26 = CD20; UCHL1 = CD45RO.