Clinical Study

Debakey Forceps Crushing Technique for Hepatic Parenchymal Transection in Liver Surgery: A Review of 100 Cases and Ergonomic Advantages

Table 3

Baseline characteristics in different groups.

CharacteristicsGroup A
Group B
Group C
Group D

 Male (%)24 (45.28)8 (100)9 (64.29)20 (80)
 Female (%)29 (54.72)0 (0.00)5 (35.71)5 (20)

Underlying diseases (%)
Hypertension7 (13.21)3 (37.50)1 (7.14)0
DM4 (7.55)2 (25.00)02 (8.00)
COPD1 (1.89)3 (37.50)01 (4.00)

Control: normal liver parenchyma.
CT: postchemotherapy.
Cholestatic: obstructive jaundice.
DM: diabetes mellitus.
COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
CAD: coronary artery disease.