Research Article

Cross-Project Defect Prediction Using Transfer Learning with Long Short-Term Memory Networks

Table 2

List of the metric attributes.


1wmcMethod weights in a classInteger
2ditInheritance tree depthInteger
3nocThe number of direct subclasses of a classInteger
4cboCoupling between objectsInteger
5rfcThe size of the response set of the classInteger
6lcomLack of methodological cohesionInteger
7caDepends on the number of classes in the current classInteger
8ceThe number of classes that the current class depends onInteger
9npmThe number of public methods in the classInteger
10lcom3Cohesion metricsFloat
11locThe number of lines in the Java binary of the classInteger
12damThe ratio of all private attributes in the classFloat
13moaThe number of fields in a class that a user defines as a classInteger
14mfaThe percentage of methods in a class that are inheritedFloat
15camThe proportion of arguments in a method that are of the type of the argumentFloat
16icThe number of inheritance coupling classes of a classInteger
17cbmNumber of new methods coupled to all inherited methodsInteger
18amcAverage size of the methods in the classFloat
19max_ccThe maximum cyclomatic complexity of all methods in a classInteger
20avg_ccThe arithmetic average of the cyclomatic complexity of all methods in the classFloat