Research Article

Detection of Q Fever Specific Antibodies Using Recombinant Antigen in ELISA with Peroxidase Based Signal Amplification

Table 3

Detection of Coxiella burnetii specific antibodies in ELISA using different antigens in 33ā€‰Q fever patients.

AntigenIgG positivea(%)IgM positivea(%)

WC Ib26792679
WC IIb331003194
rCom1298821 (29)c64 (88)c

ā€‰aO.D. values higher than the cutoff values are considered as positive. The IgG cutoff values (means of 10 negative controls plus 2.3 standard deviations) are 0.168, 0.345, and 0.219 for WCI, WCII, and rCom1. The IgM cutoff values (means of 10 negative controls plus 2.3 standard deviations) are 0.190, 0.371, 0.121, and 0.689 for WCI, WCII, rCom1, and rCom1 (amplified).
bWC I: phase I whole cell antigen; WC II: phase II whole cell antigen.
cBased on the amplified ELISA results.