Research Article

Extrapolative Estimation of Benthic Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) Species Diversity in Different Marine Habitats of the Crimea (Black Sea)

Table 2

Number of samples, observed ( ) and expected ( ) values of benthic diatom species richness at 8 investigated sampling sites in SW Crimea. values are calculated using 4 estimators.

Sampling siteDate of samplingNumber of samplesNumber of observed species ( ) Chao-2Jack-knife-1Jack-knife-2

Balaklava Bay14.10.200616191200.8259.4250.1281.5
Karantinnaya Bay25.08.199613132136.5159.5163.4175.9
Laspi Bay27.06.199618202204.6249.0253.0275.1
Sevastopol Bay (inner part)11.07.20017101107.2122.0125.9134.7
Sevastopol Bay (central part)11.07.200114146152.0194.7185.9207.8
Sevastopol Bay (outer part)11.07.200110127133.2172.1161.2180.2

Altogether at all sitesā€‰93433412.6541.7531.9585.3