Research Article

Are Plant Species’ Richness and Diversity Influenced by Fragmentation at a Microscale?

Table 2

Patch variables used for the analysis (fragmentation variables from [31]). ENN, ECON, and CONTIG were calculated in Fragstats v.3.3, raster environment with the 8-pixel rule.


Area (km2)Equals the patch’s area0.0009–10.13
CONTIGPatch’s contiguity0–0.92
Core area (km2)Equals the core area0.0000–9.40
Core FDCore area fractal dimension0–1.86
Core PARCores’ area perimeter-area ratio 0–0.78
Core perimeter (m)Core area perimeter0–73363
Core SIShape index of the core area0–6.74
ECON* (%)Patch’s edge contrast0-1
Elevation (masl.)Patch’s elevation2500–2800
ENN (m2)Patch’s Euclidean nearest neighbour60–942
FDPatch’s fractal dimension1.31–1.55
Latitude (m)Geographic location3084590–3094000
Longitude (m)Geographic location262754–272468
PARPerimeter-area ratio0.007–0.20
Perimeter (m)Patch’s perimeter (m)120–71276
PROXPatch’s proximity index0.001–6610.48
SIShape index of the patch1.12–6.31
Slope (degrees)Patch’s slope0°–30°

Edge contrast values between LULC classes are presented in the Supplementary Material.