Research Article

Woody Species Diversity in Traditional Agroforestry Practices of Dellomenna District, Southeastern Ethiopia: Implication for Maintaining Native Woody Species

Table 2

Mean woody species richness and abundance per plot of traditional agroforestry practices in Dellomenna District, Southeastern Ethiopia.

Means (± STD)Means (± STD)

Burkitu 6.13 ± 1.0334.13 ± 4.84
Chire 8.75 ± 0.7632.13 ± 2.79
Erba5.94 ± 0.3130.06 ± 3.64

Overall mean6.94 ± 1.732.1 ± 3.89

Note. Different letter(s) ordered vertically on mean values show a significant difference at among the three Kebeles.