Research Article

Structure and Composition of Mangrove Associations in Tubli Bay of Bahrain as Affected by Municipal Wastewater Discharge and Anthropogenic Sedimentation

Table 3

Sediment properties of Avicennia marina stand in the study sites.

SiteDepth (cm)Soil properties
Texture (%)Soil textureSalinity (dS m−1)pH
ClaySiltSandSandy loam

Tubli0–517.9919.9962.02Sandy loam16.28.02
5–1512.009.3278.68Sandy loam14.78.04

5–1523.3243.3033.37Clay loam18.07.83
15–3029.3243.3127.36Sandy clay Loam19.88.02

5–1524.6235.9239.46Sandy loam23.27.71
15–3015.9619.9564.09Sandy loam16.47.78

Levels not connected with the same letter are significantly different ().