Research Article

Assessment of Awareness of Local Anaesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST) among Postgraduate Trainees

Table 1

Participants’ demographic data and frequency of LA use.

CharacteristicsTotalSurgicalOrthoENTOBGYNAnaesthP value

Average years of service6.22 ± 2.25.6 ± 2.16.6 ± 2.36.0 ± 3.16.9 ± 1.76.0 ± 1.90.257
Frequency of LA use
 More than 3 times a week44 (32.8%)1 (5.9%)7 (18.9%)3 (15.8%)4 (23.5)29 (65.9%)<0.001
 1–3 times a week55 (41.0%)9 (52.9%)18 (48.6%)11 (57.9%)4 (23.5)13 (29.5%)
 At least once a month35 (26.1%)7 (41.2%)12 (32.4%)5 (26.3%)9 (52.9)2 (4.5%)

Values are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation or frequency (percentage).