Research Article

High Incidence of Metabolic Syndrome Components in Lichen Planus Patients: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study

Table 1

A summary of baseline characteristics of participants in each group.

PatientControl value

Mean age (years)44.2 ± 12.443.1 ± 9.20.656

Age groups, n (%)≤39 years12 (30%)14 (35%)0.878
40–59 years25 (62.5%)24 (60%)
≥60 years3 (7.5%)2 (5%)

Sex, n (%)Male16 (40%)14 (35%)0.500
Female24 (60%)26 (65%)
BMI, n (%)<18.5 Kg/m21 (2.5%)2 (5%)0.089
18.5–24.99 Kg/m210 (25%)12 (30%)
25–29.99 Kg/m215 (37.5%)19 (47.5%)
≥30 Kg/m214 (35%)7 (17.5%)

Mean BMI (Kg/m2)27.5 ± 4.427.3 ± 3.20.795
Mean SBP (mmHg)117 ± 12.2112 ± 12.80.111
Mean DBP (mmHg)72 ± 10.269 ± 9.30.231
Mean AC (cm)97.5 ± 12.392.6 ± 15.00.116

Clinical type of disease, n (%)Cutaneous30 (75%)
Mucosal2 (5%)
Mucocutaneous8 (20%)

BMI: body mass index, SBP: systolic blood pressure, DBP: diastolic blood pressure, AC: abdominal circumference.