Research Article

Adherence to Lifelines Diet Score (LLDS) Is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer (BrCa): A Case-Control Study

Table 3

Dietary consumption of the 12 components included in the Lifelines Diet Score (LLDS) in grams per 1000 kcal among participants study (base case and control groups) and quartiles of LLDS.

Groups, mean (SD) valueaQuartiles of LLDS, mean (SD) valuea
Case (n = 253)Control (n = 267)Q1Q4

LLDS score34.72 (5.85)37.42 (5.32)<0.00128.66 (2.19)43.87 (2.78)<0.001
Positive components
Vegetables113.60 (55.70)128.86 (48.96)0.00189.47 (37.69)159.81 (51.43)<0.001
Fruits168.43 (85.70)187.44 (67.71)0.005140.70 (76.29)225.03 (77.74)<0.001
Whole grain products36.07 (29.73)33.32 (30.08)0.29524.04 (21.60)41.82 (26.12)<0.001
Legumes and nuts12.55 (10.20)16.63 (9.66)<0.00111.59 (10.30)19.15 (9.85)<0.001
Fish4.50 (5.07)5.39 (5.52)0.0583.25 (3.86)7.10 (7.05)<0.001
Oils and soft margarines0.30 (0.72)0.38 (0.73)0.2060.04 (0.11)0.76 (1.05)<0.001
Unsweetened dairy194.18 (106.59)197.69 (116.36)0.721147.86 (87.44)242.81 (117.06)<0.001
Coffee0.02 (0.08)0.00 (0.02)0.0080.00 (0.02)0.02 (0.06)0.211
Tea1.23 (0.94)1.21 (0.79)0.8451.16 (1.00)1.26 (0.76)0.784
Negative components
Red and processed meat12.98 (8.86)11.01 (6.49)0.00415.91 (10.00)9.81 (6.19)<0.001
Butter, hard margarines14.26 (8.42)13.92 (8.76)0.65918.59 (9.50)9.44 (5.73)<0.001
Sugar-sweetened beverages33.24 (37.08)22.63 (23.57)<0.00145.55 (43.33)16.18 (11.63)<0.001

aObtained from ANOVA.