Research Article

The Association of Seasonal Variations and COVID-19 Clinical Features: A Comparative Study on the Fourth and Fifth Waves

Table 3

Patients’ clinical, laboratory, and radiological characteristics of 4th and 5th COVID-19 waves.

Manifestations and findings4th wave (n = 100)5th wave (n = 90) value

Fever62 (62.0%)61 (67.8%)0.449
Shivering39 (39.0%)43 (47.8%)0.243
Cough75 (75.0%)82 (91.1%)0.004
Dyspnea75 (75.0%)75 (83.3%)0.212
Abdominal pain11 (11.0%)7 (7.8%)0.471
Myalgia60 (60.0%)59 (65.6%)0.456
Weakness50 (50.0%)46 (51.1%)0.886
Headache28 (28.0%)26 (28.9%)1.000
Nausea/vomiting2 (2.0%)19 (21.1%)<0.001
Diarrhea1 (1.0%)16 (17.8%)<0.001
Constipation3 (3.0%)12 (13.3%)0.013
Anosmia/ageusia13 (13.0%)15 (16.7%)0.541
Anorexia39 (39.0%)35 (38.9%)1.000
Conjunctivitis5 (5.0%)8 (8.9%)0.390
Oral manifestations6 (6.0%)10 (11.1%)0.296
SpO2 on admission (percent)90.00 (6)88 (6)0.026
Chest CT involvement
 (i) Percentage40.00 (20)50.00 (20)<0.001
 (ii) Type0.002
  No involvement0.003.33
WBC count (cell/microliter)8000.00 (4825)6300.00 (3675)0.004
Neutrophils (cell/microliter)6409.00 (4702)5020.00 (3333)0.016
Lymphocytes (cell/microliter)908.50 (755)763.50 (473)0.027

Values are reported as median (IQR) or number (percentages). Obtained from the chi-square test and the Mann–Whitney test, where appropriate. SpO2: peripheral capillary oxygen saturation; WBC: white blood cell.