Research Article

DASH Framework Using Machine Learning Techniques and Security Controls

Algorithm 3

Generating dataset.
  Input: HTTP requests by playing video many times
  Output: Apache logs
1   Start
2   Initiate test_hours = [2, 6, 10, 14, 20, 23]
3   Initiate test_bandwidths = [10mbps, 2mbps, 1mbps, 800kbps, 600kbps, 200kbps, 100kbps]
4   Initiate i =0
5    While loop_counter < length(test_hours)
6     set web server clock to test_hours[i]
7     set browser bandwidth to test_bandwidths[i]
8     Play video with dash.js
9     i = i +1
10    Endwhile
11   End