Research Article

Evolutionary History of Lake Tanganyika’s Predatory Deepwater Cichlids

Figure 3

Phylogenetic relationships of the Bathybatini based on 659 polymorphic AFLP loci. (a) NJ tree (employing Nei and Li distances [65]) and (b) BI tree are shown. Only bootstrap values >50 and posterior probabilities >0.5 are shown. Branches are labelled with the samples’ lab ID numbers. (c) The marginal density of posterior distribution of likelihood (Ln L) for each of the two MrBayes runs of the unconstrained AFLP data (violet, grey), the AFLP-NJ-topology-constraint (blue, green), and the mtDNA-topology-constraint (orange, red). Fish were drawn after photographs in [60] to demonstrate the interspecific differences in male nuptial patterns.