Review Article

Testing Relationships between Energy and Vertebrate Abundance

Table 1

Possible factors affecting the strength of the energy/abundance relationship at both the intraspecific and interspecific levels. Q refers to the consumer resource requirements, R refers to the resource supply rate, I refers to intrinsic factors (e.g., biological traits), while E stands for extrinsic factors (e.g., environmental factors).

VariableIntrinsic/ExtrinsicPossible factors (intraspecific level)Possible factors (interspecific level)

Q IAge/Size structure of the populations consideredBody temperature, Phylogeny
EAverage climatic conditionsAverage climatic conditions

R ECompetition intensity, predation levelDiet (when considering indirect measures of resource abundance such as satellite-based indices of primary productivity)
ISpatial location of the studied population within the distribution range of the speciesCompetitive skills, trophic position, social system