Research Article

Leaf Serration in Seedlings of Heteroblastic Woody Species Enhance Plasticity and Performance in Gaps But Not in the Understory

Table 2

Seedling survival and maximum photosynthetic rate for homoblastic and heteroblastic (hetero) Hoheria and Aristotelia species in canopy gap and forest understory light environments. Data are mean values from nine seedlings with standard errors in parentheses. Means followed by different letters are significantly different at level within a genus in gap and understory sites.

% Seedling SurvivalRatio of leaf margin to area (mm/cm2)Max. photosynthetic rate ( ) Max. photosynthetic rate ( ) Stomatal conductance ( )

Forest understory
 H. lyallii1001.79
 H. sexstylosa (hetero)1000.52
 A. serrata1000.31
 A. fruticosa (hetero)860.39
Canopy gap
 H. lyallii860.74
 H. sexstylosa (hetero)1000.12
 A. serrata330.02
 A. fruticosa (hetero)1000.29