Research Article

Responses of Soil Organic Carbon to Long-Term Understory Removal in Subtropical Cinnamomum camphora Stands

Table 1

General characteristics of experimental plots (mean ± SD, = 10).

Stand typeMain plant speciesTree height (m)DBH (cm)Stem density (trees·hm−2)Stand age (year)Canopy densitySlope aspectUnderstory vegetation

URCinnamomum camphora 13.5 ± 1.0718.96 ± 1.98917 ± 88480.9south With few shrubs and a few herbs
CKCyclobalanopsis glauca and Loropetalum chinensis 10.0 ± 0.5910.58 ± 2.621658 ± 300480.9south With lots of shrubs and herbs

UR: understory removal; CK: control; DBH: diameter at breast height (the same as below).