Research Article

Ecological Determinants of Forest to the Abundance of Lutzomyia longiflocosa in Tello, Colombia

Table 1

Explanatory variables to identify ecological determinants in the forest in a microhabitat level for Lutzomyia longiflocosa abundance, in Tello, Colombia.

Explanatory variables Definition Category Mediation level

% tree Percentage of space between the trees in the microhabitat. Categorical: 0: absent; 1: <15%; 2: 15%–65%; 3: >65% Ordinal

% shrubs Percentage of space occupied by shrubs in the microhabitat.

% plants Percentage of space occupied by the plants in the microhabitat.

% grasses Percentage of space occupied by grasses in the microhabitat.

Tree height Average height of dominant trees in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

Shrubs height Average height of dominant shrubs in the microhabitat.

Trees numbers Number of trees that are located in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

DBH between 10 and 20 cm Number of trees and shrubs with diameter at breast height (DBH) between 10 and 20 cm in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

DBH between 21 and 40 cm Number of trees and shrubs with DBH between 210 and 40 cm in microhabitat.

DBH higher than 41 cm Number of trees and shrubs with higher DBH to 41 cm in the microhabitat.

Total DBH Sumatory of all DBH of all trees and shrubs in the microhabitat.

Height between 3 m and 10 m Number of trees with height from 3 to 10 m in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

Height between 11 m and 20 m Number of trees with height between 11 and 20 m in the microhabitat.

Height between 21 m and 40 m Number of trees with height between 21 and 40 m in the microhabitat.

More than 41 m high Number of trees with height greater than 41 m in the microhabitat.

Emerging root Number of trees with roots visible above-ground and in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

Strong root Number of trees with shallow roots with height greater than 20 cm in the microhabitat.

Weak root Number of trees with shallow roots with height less than 20 cm in the microhabitat.

Tabloids roots Number of trees with roots that are visible above-ground and in the microhabitat.

Stilt roots Number of trees with roots that are visible above-ground and in the microhabitat.

Foliage between 0 and 10 m Number of trees with leaves space taken from the shaft to the canopy from 0 to 10 m. Quantitative Reason

Foliage between 11 and 20 m Number of trees with leaves space taken from the shaft to the canopy from 11 to 20 m.

Foliage more than 21 m Number of trees with leaves space taken from the shaft to the greatest canopy 21 m.

Holes with radius 5 cm to 20 cm Number of gapped trees size between 5 and 20 cm radius from the ground level up to 2 m high. Quantitative Reason

Holes with radius 21 cm to 40 cm Number of gapped trees size between 21 and 40 cm radius from the ground level up to 2 m high.

Gaps with greater than 41 cm radius Number of trees with larger holes with a radius of 41 cm from ground level up to 2 m high.

Smooth bark Number of trees crusted with few layers forming flat plates in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

Rough bark Number of trees with bark layers arranged in small plates not uniform in the microhabitat.

Bark with projections Number of trees crusted with bumps in the microhabitat.

Scaly bark Number of trees crusted with overlapping structures in the form of flakes in the microhabitat.

Fissured bark Number of small trees with well-defined cortex and linearly spaced apart plates in the microhabitat.

Litter depth Inches of top soil where the litter is not decomposed in the microhabitat. Quantitative Reason

Wind barrier Microhabitat located on type of relief in the form of “V.” Categorical: 0: absent. 1: present Nominal

Housing distance Distance to the nearest microhabitat housing. Quantitative Reason

Number of people Number of people living closest to the microhabitat housing. Quantitative reason