Research Article

Patterns of Allocation CSR Plant Functional Types in Northern Europe

Table 1

Definition (units) of the predictor variables and method for its transformation in models.

CodeTrait name (units)Transformation

CHCanopy height (mm)Natural
LDMCDry matter content in the fully hydrated leaves from the middle of stem (%)Square root
FSFlowering start ((1) first flowering in March; (2) April; (3) May; (4) June; (5) July; and (6) August)
FPNormal duration of flowering period (months)
LSLateral spread. Six-point classification [11]
LDWLeaf dry weight of the fully hydrated leaves from the middle of stem (mg)Natural logarithm plus 3
SLASpecific leaf area is area/dry weight (mm2/mg)Square root
PNPhotosynthetic capacity (mg CO2/g dry weight per hour)Square root
RDRespiration rate in dark (mg CO2/g dry weight per hour)Square root
LNCLeaf nitrogen concentration (mg/g)Square root
LCCLeaf carbon concentration (mg/g)Square root

et al. [11] used a point system to assess height. However, we used continuous transformation of natural logarithm in order to reduce the information losses.