Research Article

Experimental Study of Environmental Effects: Leaf Traits of Juvenile Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus, and Carpinus betulus Are Comparable to Leaves of Mature Trees in Upper Canopies

Table 2

Climatic conditions represented by temperature and relative air humidity during day (5 am–9 pm; n = 1020) and midday (11 am–2 pm; n = 60) in greenhouses 1 and 2 in June 2014. Values represent the median and interquartile ranges (IQR = first quartile, third quartile). Uppercase letters indicate significant differences of temperature and relative air humidity between the greenhouses using Mann-Whitney U test (p < 0.05).

ClimateTemperature (°C)Relative air humidity (%)
Greenhouse 1Greenhouse 2Greenhouse 1Greenhouse 2

Day21.4 (16.7,27.9)A22.7 (17.2,30.0)B58 (40,80)A55 (37,79)A
Midday26.5 (22.3,31.5)A29.3 (24.1,35.9)B41 (33,52)A37 (28,49)B