Research Article

Ultrashort Hydraulic Retention Time of Aeration and Nonaeration Constructed Wetlands for a Large Volume of Primary-Treated Wastewater from a Medical Rubber Glove Factory

Table 3

Characterization of medical rubber glove factory primary-treated wastewater before incoming the HSFCWs systems.

ParametersAverageStandard deviation (SD)

BOD (mg.l–1)4.550.18
COD (mg.l–1)152.753.30
FOG (mg.l–1)1.330.17
TKN (mg.l–1)0.130.02
TSS (mg.l–1)126.000.82
TDS (mg.l–1)1,394.5028.11
EC (µ–1)2,691.2553.25
Salinity (ppt)651.001.15
Temperature (°C)29.470.05