Research Article

Rangeland Degradation and Its Impacts Post-1992: Constructing the Perceptions of Boorana Pastoralist, Southern Ethiopia

Table 3

Environmental and climatic-related indicators.

IndicatorsBoruu MadhaaLiiban JaldeessaaGuyyoo GobbaaKuraa Jaarsoo
Freq. (%)Freq. (%)Freq. (%)Freq. (%)

Extreme temperature167 (50.30)279 (84.04)320 (96.39)317 (95.48)
Drying up of wells and ponds193 (58.13)280 (84.34)316 (95.18)298 (89.76)
Lack of water for livestock198 (59.64)281 (84.64)316 (95.18)321 (96.69)
Changes in average rainfall178 (53.61)289 (87.05)322 (96.99)304 (91.57)
Increase of soil erosion and runoff181 (54.52)284 (85.54)322 (97.28)319 (96.08)
Increased bareness of land186 (56.02)286 (86.14)323 (97.29)321 (96.69)