Research Article

State of the Population of Gladiolus imbricatus L. in a Molinia Meadow after Extensive Management and Abandonment

Table 2

Total and mean (±SD) number of individuals of Gladiolus imbricatus growing in 15 plots established within extensively used meadow (EM) and 15 plots established in unmanaged meadow (UM).

Patch EMPatch UMMann-WhitneyU test value
Total numberMean (±SD)Total numberMean (±SD)

Juvenile individuals312.07 (±1.53)946.27 (±4.56)U = 50.5
Vegetative individuals70.47 (±0.64)140.93 (±1.28)U = 95.5ns
Generative individuals372.47 (±1.25)825.47 (±4.81)U = 80.5ns
All individuals755.00 (±2.67)19012.67 (±9.26)U = 59.0

Asterisks denote the statistical significance level: ns–not significant; , , and .