Research Article

Spatial Variations in Aquatic Insect Community Structure in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya

Figure 9

Conical correspondence analysis (CCA) of physicochemical parameters and nutrients in relation to aquatic insect community sampled in Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria. Note. Aquatic insect taxa in the ordination of space of the 1st and 2nd taxa codes correspond. The insect taxa are in blue and the black dots are the sampling stations. Mbor: Microvelia borealis; Galt: Gillis altilis; Amor: A. merman; Cor: Corixi sp.; Pbru: Paraplea brunni; Able: Ablebesmyia sp; Chiro: Chironomus sp.; Hab: Habrophlebia sp; Pvil: Pentagenia viltigera; Bcal: Baetis carolina; Cmoe: C. moesta; Poly: Polycentropus sp; Seri: Sericostomatidae sp; Brau: Brauchycentridae sp; Psep: Psepheaus sp; Hydro: Hydrophyllus sp; Avir: Agrion virgo. Sampling stations were denoted as follows: Mab: Maboko Island; Kis: Kisumu Bay; nder: Ndere Island; fish: fish landing bay; ken: kendu Bay; hom: Homa Bay. The diversity indices were calculated using the P.A.S.T version 4.03 statistical tool.