Research Article

Point-of-Care Troponin T Testing in the Management of Patients with Chest Pain in the Swedish Primary Care

Table 2

Management of chest pain patients in primary health care (PHC) centres with and without point-of-care Troponin T testing (POCT-TnT).

Patients from PHC centres with POCT-TnT
Patients from PHC centres without POCT-TnT

Management in PHC centres
 Emergency referral, (%)32 (25)29 (43)0.011
 Another visit booked, (%)18 (14)2 (3.0)0.013
 Telephone call, (%)25 (20)9 (13)0.276
 Back when necessary2, (%)52 (41)27 (40)0.083

1Information missing for one patient not emergently referred. 2No contacts planned by the GP.