Research Article

Crystal Structures and Magnetic Properties of Two New Cobalt(II) Complexes with Triazole-Substituted Nitronyl and Imino Nitroxide Radicals

Table 1

Crystal data and structure refinement for complex 1 and complex 2.

Complex 1Complex 2

FormulaC25 H22 F12 Co N5 O6C25 H22 F12 Co N5 O5
Formula weight775.11759.106
Crystal systemTriclinicTriclinic
Space group
Unit cell dimensions ( ,  °)
Volume ( ), Z 1567.4(5), 21596.2(5), 1
range for data collection (°)1.89 to 28.371.90 to 28.37
Limiting indices

Reflections collected3754528519
Independent reflections78087899 ( )
Completeness (%)99.398.7
Goodness-of-fit on 1.0971.515
Final R indices (I    2   (I)) ; ;
R indices (all data) ; ;