Review Article

Predicting and Preventing Flow Accelerated Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plant

Table 5

Models and how they deal with key variables.

ModelFAC function of or Roughness effectsSolubility relationshipCause of FAC reduction at 
Low T and High T

[54, 66, 67, 70, 71]
Acknowledged but not specifically integrated. S and BMDR *   Solubility

[65, 69, 7276]
or less
Yes and specified relationship S and BPorosity Porosity

Sanchez Calder [77]Linear or lessApparently notS and BPorosity Porosity

Penn S 
Mechanistic model-linear?  
ANN model nonlinear.
Yes but not specifiedTheir own which is bell shaped at pH 7 and increases with temperature at pH 9Unclear

[2, 87, 88]
Not stated but apparently between 0.6 and 0.7Yes but suggested and did not occurUnclear which or if incorporated into model, though clearly identified differences between S and B and T and LeB dataMDR Solubility

Siemens KWU[8486]FACrate   
where is complex of time and temperature
Apparently notUnclear which or if incorporated into modelUnclear

Lister and Lang [15] and Uchida et al [81]Nonlinear due to shear stress on oxideYes S and B or T and LeB?Unclear

MDR is magnetite dissolution reaction.