Research Article

Kalman Filter-Based Hybrid Indoor Position Estimation Technique in Bluetooth Networks

Table 3

Mean error analysis of trilateration, K-NN, and proposed hybrid technique (sample size 10).

Actual position Trilateration (m)K-NN (m) Hybrid approach (m)

(0, 5) 2.00 2.07 1.65
(2, 3) 3.62 2.55 2.12
(2, 5) 1.76 1.17 0.89
(5, 0) 2.51 0.75 0.68
(5, 6) 0.53 1.45 1.44
(3, 7) 2.15 1.67 1.31
(8, 8) 1.70 1.77 0.63
(0, 8) 3.78 1 0.79