Research Article

Environmental Influences on Caribbean Fish Catch

Table 2

Multi-variate regression of environmental variables onto the seasonal cycle of chlorophyll averaged over the Caribbean 1998–2007.
(a) Using mixed layer depth, temperature and meridional wind stress. Multi-variate regression onto smoothed consecutive chlorophyll anomalies averaged over the Caribbean.

Adj R Sq0.66Regression statistics for seasonal Chl model

Std Error0.04

Regression 7.99

CoeffStd Err Stat -value

Intercept .01
mixL.D. .02
Temp .01
Tau Y .01

(b) Using rainfall, temperature, meridional currents and zonal wind stress. Refer to Figures 2(e) and 2(f).

Adj R Sq0.45Regression statistics for anomaly Chl model

Std Error0.01

Regression 26.14

CoeffStd Err Stat -value

Intercept .15
Rain .00
Temp .00
V cur .00
Tau X .00