Research Article

Conserved Microsynteny of NPR1 with Genes Encoding a Signal Calmodulin-Binding Protein and a CK1-Class Protein Kinase in Beta vulgaris and Two Other Eudicots

Table 1

Predicted genes and their designated functions.

GeneProduct length (a.a.)Best BLAST HitaE-valueSimilarityDesignationb


HSF (similar to HSFA9)337AAM438043.4E−47185/320HSF transcription factor

NPR1604AAT576400.0E+00604/604NPR1 disease resistance


Integrase1516ABE910910.0E+00903/1535Integrase (copia type)


Reverse transcriptase (RT)1501ABE833030.0E+00996/1503Gypsy-type retrotransposon





ORF1 of Coe1 (a composite of class I and class 2 elements) [25]188NP_199616.1 1e−17106/192Hypothetical (retroelement-like gene)

Coe1 (transposon gene)1399ABE828480.0E−00604/956Transposon

ORF2 of Coe1 (an integrase pseudogene)297ABA956774.0E−70177/298Rvt2 domain integrase pseudogene

Calmodulin-binding protein (CaMP)525NP_9746737.0E−161361/495Signal-peptide calmodulin-binding protein

RT (reverse transcriptase)198ABF814173.0E−37126/213RT-like gene

CK1-class protein kinase (CK1PK)473BAB923460.0E+00411/476CK1-class dual-specificity protein kinase

aGenBank accession number or protein ID of the best BLAST hit, followed by the E-value and percent (similar/total amino acids) similarity between the query and the best hit.bDesignation based on the deductions possible via bioinformatics tools listed in Section 2. Functional classification based on the result of protein BLAST search.cNA: not applicable; putative function of the product was not identified.dSimilar to FGENESH 21 [26].