Research Article

Comparative Transcriptomics Reveals 129 Transcripts That Are Temporally Regulated during Anther Development and Meiotic Progression in Both Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Rice (Oryza sativa)

Figure 2

Hierarchical clustering of 125 wheat transcripts that were regulated over the progression of meiosis. The expression profiles of 125 transcripts (rows) were grouped across seven anther stages (columns) in a heat map (a). Similar expression profiles are clustered together as indicated by the dendrogram. The expression profiles of two clusters that are preferentially expressed in early meiosis which display similar expression profiles are highlighted in blue on the dendrogram. These clusters representing 28 and 20 transcripts are also shown separately in (b) and (c), respectively. Premeiosis (PM), leptotene–pachytene (LP), diplotene–anaphase I (DA), telophase I–telophase II (TT), tetrads (T), immature pollen (IP), mature anthers (MAN). Expression values (indicated by green through to red in colour) are centred, log base 2, RMA-normalised values.