Research Article

Latino Immigrant Children's Health: Effects of Sociodemographic Variables and of a Preventive Intervention Program

Table 3

Predicting the number of pediatric emergency department (PED) visits to 36 months postpartum (among participants with one or more PED visits to 36 months postpartum).

Predictor variablesStandardized partial regression coefficientsSignificance level

Total number of visits1
 Intervention family0.12
 Mother’s age at target child’s birth−0.05ns
 Target child’s age at first PED visit−0.45
 Mother born outside the United States−0.11
 One or more children under age 5 lived in the home at intake (not including the target child)−0.08ns
 Presence of a second primary caregiver for target child at intake0.10ns
Visits made for urgent conditions2
 Target child’s age at first PED visit−0.23
 Mother born outside the United States−0.20
 Intervention family0.17
 Target child weighed less than 5.5 pounds at birth0.13ns

1Adjusted , F(6,264) = 16.77, P < 0001. 2Adjusted , F(4,180) = 7.39, .